For those who like to make their own schedules, self-catering accommodation is ideal. Choose from a range of farms, cottages and houses across the Llandudno and North Wales area, whether your planned holiday is a relaxing one or an active physical one.
Of course, it’s important to check the specifications of your self-catering cottage. Factors to take into consideration include:
Location: Is the cottage close to the areas of North Wales you wish to spend most of your holiday?
Pets: Are pets allowed?
Smoking: It smoking permitted or not?
Amenities: Of course, you’ll be buying your own food, so it’s easier to select a cottage close to a shop (such shops can be scarce in rural Snowdonia), unless you wish to plan ahead and stock up on supplies.
Highways: Aside from the A55, virtually all roads in the Llandudno and North Wales area are single carriageway, and are often small country lanes. Accessibility to travel outwards form your self-catering cottage is important, as roads in the Snowdonia area can be scarce, and huge ‘detours’ are often required to drive just a few miles.
Rooms: Are you looking for luxury beds or backpacker-style bunks?
Self-catering holiday cottages are common around the Llandudno area and are a great option for those wishing or a free and wild holiday in beautiful North Wales. It’s best to look around for a cottage on an online directory where many private adverts are located.